A história do meu enólogo preferido...
A turma 25
25 Anos, um conhecimento mundial e o meu país Portugal!
A minha irmã Magnólia Ramos pediu-me para resumir um
pouco a minha experiência durante o mestrado da OIV Msc mas é quase impossível resumir um mestrado que me mudou os
sentidos e a minha própria pessoa. Começo por me apresentar antes de tudo (como
tantas vezes fiz por todo o mundo) Olá, eu sou o Bruno Ramos, sou Português.
Estudei Enologia na UTAD em Portugal, fiz diversas vindimas espalhadas por todo
o mundo, a maioria em Portugal (6), Argentina, Austrália, USA, África do Sul,
França e depois de trabalhar como enólogo estagiário nestas 11 vindimas por
todo o mundo tinha curiosidade de conhecer mais culturas neste mundo. Foi assim
que por acaso o meu herói profissional, Engenheiro Pedro Batista, fez um
comentário acerca de um mestrado em que os alunos não estavam fechados numa sala
de aula a aprender mas iam todos os dias para o campo, empresas, universidades
de todo o mundo e durante as viagens em 25 países, conheciam pessoas de todas
as diferentes culturas mas com a mesma paixão, o vinho.
Foi nesse momento, em que trabalhava duro e suava para
que todas as fermentações dessem origem os melhores vinhos, que comecei a
sonhar, comecei a sonhar com um tipo de mestrado onde embarcava numa viagem
pelo meio das diferentes culturas mundiais, onde podia ir ver no campo, nas
empresas e nas pessoas as diferenças entre cada país, cada continente e cada
cultura. No começo da OIV Msc o meu
grande objetivo era continuar a descobrir culturas, pessoas e vinhos diferentes
e compreender o como e o porquê de cada cultura gostar mais de cada tipo de
Com o decorrer do mestrado, desde a saída de França,
não foi fácil coabitar com 17 outras pessoas que não conhecia anteriormente. O intuito do mestrado é ser verdadeiramente
internacional e quanto mais nacionalidades diferentes houver, dentro de um
grupo, melhor será porque cada cultura tem detalhes que pode surpreender os
outros. Além de 12 Franceses a turma 25 era constituída por: 1 belga, 1 australiano,
1 romena, 1 Russo (espetacular), 3 chinesas, e 1 Português (eu). Em grande
parte das viagens nós viajamos todos juntos ou separados apenas por alguns
Descobrimos 25 países nos 5 continentes, a lista é
longa mas tudo começou em França seguindo-se de Suíça, Espanha, Portugal,
África do Sul, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Grécia, Itália, Suécia, Noruega,
Dinamarca, Alemanha, Bélgica, Inglaterra, China, Japão, Coreia do Sul, Áustria,
Hungria, Roménia, USA e Canadá. Em todos os países aprendi detalhes que nunca
me tinha passado pela ideia, é fantástico como todas as culturas juntas se
podem ajudar e ensinar mutuamente foi muito bom.
25 Anos, um conhecimento mundial e o meu país Portugal!
Quando digo que mudei os meus sentimentos depois de
terminar a OIV Msc baseio-me muito
no que sinto dia a dia e no que os Portugueses normalmente sentem. Talvez por
ter a sorte de já ter visto um pouco do mundo inteiro dou mais valor e sinto-me
mais nacionalista que a generalidade dos Portugueses que conheço. Tenho alguns
amigos que me perguntavam se eu não me estava a "perder" voltando
para trabalhar em Portugal?! Eu não compreendia essa pergunta mas uma pergunta
assim só mostra a péssima informação, transmitida pelos Média, à população Portuguesa.
Aos meus amigos que me perguntaram algo tão estranho, do meu ponto de vista, eu
respondia sempre que depois de percorrer o mundo queria voltar para Portugal, a
minha cultura, os meus amigos e melhorar o nosso país (parece ideológico
mas é mesmo o meu objetivo). Em brincadeira concluía: na OIV Msc e, por todo o mundo onde viajámos, as pessoas dizem-me que
sou o melhor do grupo e de vários grupos da OIV Msc mas eu respondia que era apenas mais um Português.
Sempre que era possível viajava até CASA para poder passar alguns dias de
repouso (não havia 300km para fazer de carro todos dias, correr paras as 4
visitas a adegas e empresas perdidas nos montes ou nas cidades, voos e escalas
que se atrasavam, jet lag que não perdoava no dia seguinte à mudança de
continente ou mesmo só estar a carregar com as malas pelas ruas de outra
cidade) via sempre a minha família desmotivada a minha irmã triste com a
situação do país e sempre com a impressão que tudo é mau em Portugal e à sua
volta. Por isso encorajei a minha irmã a seguir o Mundo do Vinho e descobrir o
que há de melhor por todo o mundo.
The story of my favorite winemaker ...
My sister Magnolia Ramos asked me to summarize my experience a bit during the Master OIV MSc but it is almost impossible to summarize an master that changed my directions and my own person . Start by introducing myself first of all ( as did so many times around the world ) Hello , I 'm Bruno Ramos , I am Portuguese . Studied Oenology at UTAD in Portugal , made several vintages scattered throughout the world , mostly in Portugal ( 6 ) , Argentina , Australia , USA , South Africa , France, and after working as a trainee winemaker these 11 vintages around the world had curiosity to know more cultures in this world . It was just by chance that my hero Professional Engineer Pedro Batista, made a comment about a master's degree in that students were not closed in a classroom to learn but went every day to the field , companies , universities around the world and while traveling in 25 countries , knew people from all different cultures but with the same passion , wine .
It was then , he worked hard and sweated for all fermentations gave rise the best wines , I started dreaming , I began to dream of a kind of master which embarked on a journey through the different cultures of the world , where he could go see the field , in businesses and people the differences between each country , every continent and every culture . At the beginning of the OIV MSc my big goal was to continue discovering cultures , people and different wines and understand the how and why of each culture like more of each type of wine .
The class 25
In the course of the master , since the departure of France , it was not easy to live with 17 other people who did not know previously . The purpose of the Master is to be truly international and the more different nationalities there, within a group, the better because each culture has details that might surprise others . Besides 12 French class was made up of 25 : 1 Belgian , 1 Australian , 1 Romanian , 1 Russian ( spectacular) , 3 Chinese , and Portuguese 1 ( I ) . Largely of trips we travel together or separated by only a few planes .
We found 25 countries in 5 continents , the list is long but it all started in France, followed by Switzerland, Spain , Portugal , South Africa , Australia, New Zealand , Greece , Italy, Sweden , Norway, Denmark , Germany , Belgium, England China , Japan , South Korea , Austria , Hungary, Romania , USA and Canada. In all countries learned details that I had never gone through the idea is fantastic as all cultures together they can help and teach each other was very good.
25 Years a global knowledge and my country Portugal !
When I say I 've changed my feelings after finishing the OIV MSc I have drawn a lot in what I feel day to day and that the Portuguese usually feel . Perhaps be lucky enough to have seen a bit of the world I value and feel more nationalistic than the generality of the Portuguese I know. I have some friends who asked me if I was not me " losing " returning to work in Portugal ? ! I do not understand this question but a question then only shows the bad information transmitted by Average , the Portuguese population . To my friends who asked me something so strange from my point of view , I always answer that after traveling the world wanted to return to Portugal , my culture , my friends and improve our country ( seems ideological but even my goal) . Playfully concluded, the OIV MSc and throughout the world where we traveled , people tell me I'm the best of the bunch and several groups of OIV MSc but I replied that it was just another Portuguese .
Whenever it was possible he traveled to home in order to spend a few days of rest ( there was 300km to drive every day , run paras 4 visits to wineries and businesses lost in the mountains or in cities, and Scales flights that were delayed , jet lag not forgive the day after the change of continent or just be charging with the bags through the streets of another city ) always saw my family my sister sad disheartened with the situation in the country and always under the impression that everything is bad in Portugal and around . So I encouraged my sister to follow the Wine World and discover the best in the world.
My sister Magnolia Ramos asked me to summarize my experience a bit during the Master OIV MSc but it is almost impossible to summarize an master that changed my directions and my own person . Start by introducing myself first of all ( as did so many times around the world ) Hello , I 'm Bruno Ramos , I am Portuguese . Studied Oenology at UTAD in Portugal , made several vintages scattered throughout the world , mostly in Portugal ( 6 ) , Argentina , Australia , USA , South Africa , France, and after working as a trainee winemaker these 11 vintages around the world had curiosity to know more cultures in this world . It was just by chance that my hero Professional Engineer Pedro Batista, made a comment about a master's degree in that students were not closed in a classroom to learn but went every day to the field , companies , universities around the world and while traveling in 25 countries , knew people from all different cultures but with the same passion , wine .
It was then , he worked hard and sweated for all fermentations gave rise the best wines , I started dreaming , I began to dream of a kind of master which embarked on a journey through the different cultures of the world , where he could go see the field , in businesses and people the differences between each country , every continent and every culture . At the beginning of the OIV MSc my big goal was to continue discovering cultures , people and different wines and understand the how and why of each culture like more of each type of wine .
The class 25
In the course of the master , since the departure of France , it was not easy to live with 17 other people who did not know previously . The purpose of the Master is to be truly international and the more different nationalities there, within a group, the better because each culture has details that might surprise others . Besides 12 French class was made up of 25 : 1 Belgian , 1 Australian , 1 Romanian , 1 Russian ( spectacular) , 3 Chinese , and Portuguese 1 ( I ) . Largely of trips we travel together or separated by only a few planes .
We found 25 countries in 5 continents , the list is long but it all started in France, followed by Switzerland, Spain , Portugal , South Africa , Australia, New Zealand , Greece , Italy, Sweden , Norway, Denmark , Germany , Belgium, England China , Japan , South Korea , Austria , Hungary, Romania , USA and Canada. In all countries learned details that I had never gone through the idea is fantastic as all cultures together they can help and teach each other was very good.
25 Years a global knowledge and my country Portugal !
When I say I 've changed my feelings after finishing the OIV MSc I have drawn a lot in what I feel day to day and that the Portuguese usually feel . Perhaps be lucky enough to have seen a bit of the world I value and feel more nationalistic than the generality of the Portuguese I know. I have some friends who asked me if I was not me " losing " returning to work in Portugal ? ! I do not understand this question but a question then only shows the bad information transmitted by Average , the Portuguese population . To my friends who asked me something so strange from my point of view , I always answer that after traveling the world wanted to return to Portugal , my culture , my friends and improve our country ( seems ideological but even my goal) . Playfully concluded, the OIV MSc and throughout the world where we traveled , people tell me I'm the best of the bunch and several groups of OIV MSc but I replied that it was just another Portuguese .
Whenever it was possible he traveled to home in order to spend a few days of rest ( there was 300km to drive every day , run paras 4 visits to wineries and businesses lost in the mountains or in cities, and Scales flights that were delayed , jet lag not forgive the day after the change of continent or just be charging with the bags through the streets of another city ) always saw my family my sister sad disheartened with the situation in the country and always under the impression that everything is bad in Portugal and around . So I encouraged my sister to follow the Wine World and discover the best in the world.
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